Come be apart of Our Saviour Youth Ministry!
Our Saviour Youth Ministry is for 7th-12th grade students. We have regular meeting during the school year Sunday mornings at 9 for 7th-8th graders and Sunday evenings at 6pm for 9th-12th grade. We play fun activities, build community, and most importantly learn about our Catholic faith. See the calander at the bottom of the page for all events.
We meet most weeks in the Upper Room. The Upper Room is where the Holy Spirit came down upon the Apostles and changed their lives forever. For 7th-8th graders, meet at the school entrance before we head over. If you're in 9th-12th, go the school gym's entrance by the parking lot and you'll see our team there to welcome you.
![COR Retreat](
![Life Night Games](
![Life Night Games](
![Community Service](
![Life Night Games](
![Life Night Games](
![Life Night Games](
![Life Night Games](
![March for Life](
![Life Night](
![Game Night](
![Life Night Games](
![Life Night Games](
![Life Night Games](
![Life Night Games](
![Life Night Games](
![Community Service](
Are you new or haven't come before? Join us on Sundays at 6pm! Check out ways to connect with us and see our calendar below.
Questions? Want to know more?
Fill out the form to reach our teen administrative assistant, Cody abbott, CABBOTT@OURSAVIOURSPARISH.ORG 321-783-4554 ext 105.
Peer Ministry Form
This coming year we are starting a new formation program called Peer Ministry. It is a group of high school student committed to serving and ministering to our parish and community. If you are interested, complete the form below and email it to
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
Both are great places to stay updated with everything happening at Our Saviour.
We regularly post photos and videos from our Life Nights, Edge Sessions, fun events, Retreats, and everything else we do.
Click on the image below to connect with us on Instagram or the one on the left for our Facebook page.
Follow us @oursaviourym
Forms for 2019-2020
If you'll be joining us this year, please make sure all the relevant forms have been filled and turned in. Please email them to or bring them into the Parish Office. Address for the Parish Office is below.
Students must be in the 9th or older to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. The students must also possess knowledge of the faith. Therefore, students must attend faith formation classes for two years in order to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. If you have any questions, fill out the question form above or call 321-783-4554 ext. 105
Confirmation Forms
Meet Our Team!
Who are the Core Team? They are group of adults dedicated to sharing the Gospel with everyone they meet. They serve the teens in our parish every time we meet. They are the “Core” of what our program is about: following the Lord, loving Him, and leading others to God. We are very blessed to have such talented and welcoming people to serve our youth.
What is Life Teen?
Connect with us by email and text!
Keep up to date on everything happening in Youth Ministry by signing up through Flocknote. We'll send out messages to let you know all the exciting adventures and plans we have coming soon. Click on the banner above or fill out your information below.
Resources for You
Parent Life
Helping your family grow together can be hard. We have a free resource to help you grown your own spiritual life as well as your family. Check out Life Teen's Parent Life website for amazing content for you. Click on the image to sign up. Email for our parish code.
Catholic Answers
Have questions about the Catholic Faith? For some of the best answers there are, check out the website Catholic Answers. For almost any question you can think of, you can find an article or quick response for it. Their store also sells great resources including books, MP3s, DVDs and eBooks. Click on the image to visit the site.
Diocese Website
Visit the website of the Diocese of Orlando for upcoming Catholic events, news from the Bishop, and much more.